Analyse and quantify the impact of climate change (drought/floods etc) on the industry to lobby support and influence decision making by producers and Government
Climate Change Response Strategy for the Deciduous Fruit Industry of South Africa
Prepared for Hortgro Pome and Hortgro Stone under Research Project no. V-20-IND-CP01, funded in the period December 2020 to September 2022. Read more
The impact of climate change on agriculture can no longer be ignored and will continue over the next few decades. Read
We are all aware that environmental variables such as temperature are decisive for pome-fruit production and quality. Read
Climate change poses a significant threat to the sustainability of the pome- and stone-fruit industries, according to Prof. Stephanie Midgley, Climate Change and Risk Scientist at the Western Cape Department of Agriculture. Read
A common perception among consumers is that so-called food miles — the distance between farm and fork — determine the contribution of a foodstuff to climate change. Read