Ricard Myburgh, a 27-year old apple and pear farmer from Vyeboom in the Western Cape, received the Young Entrepreneur Award from the Jobs Fund last week. Myburgh, who has been farming on the family farm, Cortina Farms, for the past seven years, was also crowned the Toyota New Harvest of the Year in 2017.
Cortina Farms is situated at beautiful Vyeboom, between Villiersdorp and Grabouw in the Western Cape and this 54-hectare top fruit farm was bought by the Myburgh family in 2000. Ricard’s parents Richard and Yvette Myburgh are originally from Pniel but subsequently moved to the farm where they have developed 40ha of orchards as well as sizable fruit packing, marketing and transport business.
Ricard said that he received a telephone call out of the blue, asking him to travel to Johannesburg for the ceremony. “I am really happy and it makes me feel good. One feels appreciated and that what you do, all the long hours, the many weeks without a weekend, is acknowledged.” According to Ricard top fruit is a relentless business. “You have to be diligent and focused, otherwise it could cost you dearly. Pome fruit is a long term investment. You have to patient en make sure that you do the right things at the right time. There is no time for slacking.”
Read a previous interview with Ricard here: https://www.hortgro.co.za/news-room-industry-news/next-generation-farmer-series-ricard-myburgh/
Caption: Ricard Myburgh third from left with his award.