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Ecology Icons Set. Global Warming, Climate Change, Plastic Pollution And Other Ecology Problems. Save The Planet Symbols. Eco Environment Signs Collection. Flat Line Cartoon Vector Illustration.

How to become a more sustainable fruit grower

Hortgro Resource and Sustainability Manager, Nitasha Baijnath-Pillay, shares her top 7 tips on how to become a more sustainable fruit grower: Have a long-term perspective: Long-term planning, continuous innovation and sufficient investment in research and development, adopting new technologies and…

FWDT Opleiding Matjiesrivier

Landbouwerkers bemagtig deur lesse oor geld

Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp Die bestuur van geldsake, gee die meeste mense hoofbrekens. Lees mens die finansiële blaaie van koerante is dit duidelik dat daar verskeie geldelike slaggate is. Dit is vir enigeen maklik om op betaaldag effe oorboord te gaan…

Diane Helentjaris Dlhcehzhoe4 Unsplash

Kernvrug seisoen oorsig | Weereens die weer

Te veel vroegseisoen koue het sommige kernvrugkultivars se set benadeel terwyl te min laatseisoen koue ander se rooi kleurontwikkeling gekelder het. Die 2022–23 seisoen is deur erge haelskade in verskeie kernvrugproduksieareas gekenmerk. Produsente was egter optimisties oor die vooruitsigte vir…

Newsletter 3

Boer korporatief

Om ’n suksesvolle landbouer te wees, moet produsente eienaarskap van bates en die bestuur daarvan, skei. Dit was die boodskap van bekende ekonoom Dawie Roodt verlede week tydens die Inmaakprodusentevereniging se inligtingsdag. Roodt het gepraat oor ekonomiese geleenthede tydens politieke turbulensie…

Tara Southey

Hortgro Industry leadership programme | Dr Tara Southey 

A graduate of the first Hortgro industry leadership programme talks about climate change and modelling and shares her reflections on the programme. By Anna Mouton. Hortgro launched its industry leadership programme in 2022 to expose the next generation of industry…

Cynthia Sooliman La Grange

Dr Imtiaz Sooliman: Faith and spirituality

Dr Imtiaz Sooliman is the founder and chair of the Gift of the Givers Foundation, the largest non-governmental disaster-response organisation of African origin in Africa. Gift of the Givers has distributed R6 billion in aid in 47 countries over the…

2024 23(4) SAFJ Hortgro News De Ruyter

The case for decarbonising exports

Developed countries increasingly penalise carbon-intensive trading partners in developing economies. By Anna Mouton “The carbon budget of the world — the total amount of carbon we can emit if we want to limit global warming to 1.5 °C — is…

Dorandaba Louisvzyl 3


The 1662 Industry Award commemorates the first two apples harvested that year – April 17 to be exact – in the Company’s Garden at the Cape of Good Hope. The picking of the two Witte Wijn Appels is regarded symbolically…

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