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Fresh From The Grid

Harvesting roosterkoeke on Trevor’s Farm near Wolseley

Making ends meet in a better way and keeping their children involved without splitting the farmlands into smaller pieces, Trevor and Maggie Abrahams thought of a plan. Introducing Project Roosterkoek. Gerrit Rautenbach went for a tasting.   Trevor and Maggie…

A Historical Block House In An Orchard With Blue Sky And Clouds

The blockhouse experience

Agritourism series: A special attraction on La Plaisante near Wolseley. By Gerrit Rautenbach. Between 1900 and 1901the British built two blockhouses next to two railway bridges close to the town of Wolseley. In 1920, only 19 years later, Leicester Dicey,…

Cath Boome In The Nursery

Fine dining in apple shed

NEW SERIES: AGRITOURISM AND BUSINESS INNOVATION IN THE DECIDUOUS FRUIT INDUSTRY Farming is ceaselessly evolving. At first, it was all about food for survival for the farmer and his family. Today, farming is big business. Scientifically and economically speaking. Yet,…

The Shed Is On A Working Farm


A 2019 survey found just 24% of South African farmers are hosting some form of agritourism on their farms. That means there’s a massive opportunity for expansion in this area. Agritourism could help farmers use their farm resources to their…

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