Durban Fresh Produce Market revamps its loading platforms
The Durban Fresh Produce Market is re-investing in its infrastructure.
The market has commenced with a project whereby its loading platforms are being refurbished to allow buyers to store and load their fresh produce under safe and secure facilities. The approximate cost of this project is R1.5 million and is set to be completed in the next few months.
Over the past few years Durban Fresh Produce Market has embarked on various projects to ensure that its facilities are in an excellent condition. Durban Fresh Produce Market has been at its current site in Clairwood (South of the City of Durban) for over 40 years. The various projects on the market have been undertaken in phases to allow market trading and related activities to continue without disruptions and to ensure that proper planning and budgeting is achieved. Planned infrastructure maintenance has ensured that Durban Fresh Produce Market facilities are maintained in good condition and remain aesthetically pleasing.
Durban Fresh Produce Market has over the past 3 financial years spent a combined sum of R31.7 million for Repairs/Maintenance and Capital Projects.