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Dorandaba Louisvzyl 3


The 1662 Industry Award commemorates the first two apples harvested that year – April 17 to be exact – in the Company’s Garden at the Cape of Good Hope. The picking of the two Witte Wijn Appels is regarded symbolically as the beginning of the deciduous fruit industry in South Africa.

This year, the 1662 Award goes to Dora Ndaba for her outstanding contribution over decades to the deciduous fruit industry, specifically her contribution on operational management structures, and in the transformation sphere of the industry.

Dora Ndaba’s business career had humble beginnings in the informal sector in the 1970s. From there, she rose to the forefront of several important economic empowerment initiatives.

In 1981 she was appointed as the public relations officer for the Foundation of African Business and Consumer Services (FABCOS). FABCOS served as the umbrella body for 14 business and consumer organizations in the informal sector, including the South African Black Taxi Association, Black Builders Association, National Black Consumer Union, Tavern Association, Hawkers Association, and the National Stokvels Association.

In 1991, Dora was the runner-up in the prestigious South African Businesswoman of the Year award. Her aptitude and entrepreneurship are demonstrated in her highly successful business, Ndaba Fresh Cut. In April 2019 she received The Order of the Baobab in silver from the Presidency.

In 1998, Dora was appointed as Trustee of the Deciduous Fruit Producers Trust (DFPT) where she represented the Minister of Agriculture and the National Agricultural Marketing Council. In this role she was involved in several transformation initiatives and her expertise was an asset for the DFPT.

In 2005 she retired from the DFPT and was appointed as the first Trustee of the Fruit Workers Development Trust (FWDT) on which she still serves today. Under her trusteeship, the trust grew from R700 000 in 2005 to R25 million in 2024. Since 2005, the FWDT has paid around R9 million to its beneficiaries – black permanent farm workers.

Dora is still an industry advisor on matters related to agricultural products and government policy. She is being honoured for her tireless support, wisdom, and guidance to Hortgro and related structures. She is a worthy recipient of the 1662 Industry Award and a legend in her own right.

 Caption: Dora Ndaba receives the 1662 Industry Award from Louis van Zyl, Hortgro General Manager.

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