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1.   Introduction

Hortgro Pome and Stone have reviewed the industry services relating to its transformation programmes with specific focus to Economic Development within the existing pome and stone businesses across the value chain. The transformation support programmes of the sector are aligned with the industries’ needs and priorities, including alignment with the National Development Plan (NDP) and the Agricultural and Agri Processing Masterplan (AAMP) and the directives of the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) relating to the use of statutory levies.

Hortgro’s goal is to ensure sustainable development and inclusivity through various initiatives aimed at creating a globally competitive, equitable, unified, and economically transformed Deciduous Fruit Industry for all.  The initiatives are aimed at ensuring businesses participate in the pome and stone industries on a commercial basis, in order to become sustainable thus growing businesses that will create wealth and jobs. The strategic goal of this support is to create conducive and specialised support services for the producers across the value chain. These support programmes are based on economic principles, commitment and human capital development as key drivers to delivering industry aligned support services.

2.   Hortgro support programmes include:

  • Business Coaching Programme:
  • Business Development 
  • Technical Support

3.   General eligibility criteria

The support programmes are restricted to majority black owned or co-owned pome and stone production units and/or black agriculturalists or entrepreneurs, that are South African citizens who comply with the below minimum requirements:

  • Must have a business plan/ whole farm development plan with a indication of financial profitability and viability over the long-term. The business plan/development plan should be based on technical, financial and institutional viability.  Assistance can be provided upon request.
  • Priority will be given to existing fruit businesses that requires further assistance to be commercialised.
  • Have financial/production records for a minimum of 1 year, preferably 3 years.
  • Must demonstrate access to viable markets or possess off-take agreements.
  • Juristic person registered with the relevant authorities.
  • Compliant to SARS Regulations.
  • Consent to monitoring and evaluation with key performance areas identified collaboratively.
  • Consent to capacity building support programme.
  • Must have access to natural resources (Land, water etc); in the instance where industry and/or Government funding is used to plant/establish orchards a long-term lease agreement will be required to ensure beneficiation to intended beneficiaries.
  • Must be a land reform or transformation project;
  • Must have the potential to sustain and/or create jobs;
  • Must contribute to transforming the pome and stone industries;
  • In the case of partnerships or equity schemes, the businesses must illustrate how skills transfer (training plan) of partners or co-owners will take place with clear identified beneficiaries and timeframes; specific focus on management will be prioritised and indicate how co-owners/shareholders are involved in decision making and management control.

4.   How to apply

A standard application form can be obtained from the Hortgro website under the Economic Development portfolio, or from the Hortgro offices at 258 Main Rd, Paarl. Completed application forms can be submitted both in electronic version at and in hard copy. The application form contains details to be completed by the relevant applicant.

Limited resources disclaimer:

Please be aware that certain initiatives, services, or requests may encounter limitations due to limited resources.

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