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Hortgro Devaar Gewin Nuwe Kultivars

Die gevaar en gewin van nuwe kultivars

Bedryfskenners gee raad Deur Anna Mouton “Ek het in die twintig jaar wat ek boer al amper 150 hektaar vrugte geplant,” vertel Hendrik Pohl, ZZ2 se produksiebestuurder op Bokveldskloof, Ceres. “My pa het bykans niks geplant nie, want hy’t geboer…


The value of independent evaluation in 2020

Provar was established in 2013 as a cultivar development and support company, with a focus on independent, objective, and scientific evaluation and data management; in order to ensure complete independence and facilitating buy-in of potential clients. In 2015 Hortgro Pome,…

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