Industry Notification POPI Act (2013)
Dear Industry Representative
- As a user of our products or services You are receiving this email from HORTGRO (including members of and affiliates of Hortgro Stone, Hortgro Pome, POMASA, Cape Flora, SAPPA, SA Figs, SAPO Trust, FFA, Culdevco, TCF, SAFVCA, SAFVEC, DFIDT, FWDT, DFPT, SAFJA, International Prune Association, DFDC), because you are currently subscribed to and/or enlisted on the electronic database and/or records held in hard copy format, all of which is processed by Us.
- We are preparing for the implementation of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (“POPIA”) and this notice constitutes the policy statement to declare Our commitment to comply with POPIA when processing personal information and special personal information (as defined in POPIA). We process personal information and other confidential information of individuals and juristic persons and other non-juristic entities to enable us to deliver Our mandated products and services to Our members and also to clients in the deciduous fruit industry value chain. The nature of the personal information which We process depends on the product and service in each matter, as well as, and subject to, other legislative requirements to be adhered to by Us.
- Personal information as defined in POPIA is information relating to an identifiable, living, natural person or existing juristic person, that relates to, among others, the race, gender, sex, marital status, national, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental health, spiritual, economic, cultural or social identity; their educational or financial history; as well as various identifying numbers and addresses including biometric information belonging to either an identifiable living natural person or an existing juristic person.
- This personal information We process electronically and/or in hard copy format when you use our digital platforms online or otherwise contact us electronically or manually to apply or register for our products and services.
- Download the full document here: POPI Act_Formal Industry Notification_1July2021
- Click here for SAPO Trust notification.