OSH Reinecke Frontrunner Award 2023: Kobus Eigelaar
Achtervlei Farm on Piket-Bo-Berg is home to Kobus Eigelaar – a pome and stone fruit producer of stature and selfless giver of his time and guidance to his community and to the industry.
Kobus has served on various industry boards for over thirty years. Hortgro Stone (formerly SASPA) – 1997 to present. Hortgro Pome (formerly SAAPPA) – from 2018 to present, as well as a Culdevco director (2007 – 2022).
His journey includes the deregulation of industry, and he, therefore, understands the value of industry organisations that must protect and promote the common interests of producers.
We know Kobus as a straight talker. But one that plays the issue on the table, not the man. He is someone who has his fellow producers’ best interests at heart and acts in the interest of the larger industry. He understands international trade and the impact of geopolitics and over the years has made an important contribution to improving the producer’s profitability and competitiveness through collective actions.
Kobus is an advocate and big supporter of research and the development of technology to help producers farm more sustainably. It is a great honour to recognise Kobus for all the years of selfless service he has rendered at the industry level. Kobus has tried to retire many times, only to be recalled. Kobus Eigelaar is the worthy recipient of the OSH Reinecke Frontrunner Award for 2023.
Caption: Kobus Eigelaar and Nicholas Dicey.