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2022 21(3) Safj Hortgro Technical 04 Vandag Is Nie Gister Nie 03

Vandag is nie gister nie

Vier bekendes in die bedryf gesels oor verandering – wat leer die afgelope dertig jaar ons oor die toekoms? Deur Anna Mouton. “Ek kan onthou in my eerste jaar by Fruitways – 1997 – was ek by ’n oes-af funksie…

Cluver Family In Vineyard Large

FruitLook case study at De Rust

By Dianca Yssel How did De Rust come about? De Rust is situated in the Elgin Valley. The farming business is split in two: They have 150 hectares of apples and pears, as well as 72 hectares of vineyards for…

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Apples to the rescue

A group of hikers, with the help of Hortgro, Kromco and the Paul Clüver clan from De Rust Farm in Elgin created a hiking event in the Groenland Mountains. It was labelled Hiking for Hunger. The idea was to walk…

Cluverskool Hortgro Web

The Future Is Education

More than 60 years ago Dr Paul Clüver’s mother, Gertrude, established a farm school on De Rust, the family farm in the Elgin Valley. With only 23 learners. A small first step is key to a great journey, Gerrit Rautenbach…

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