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20220906 093959

Mentorship is about “paying it forward”

By Kyra-Kay Rensburg Lona Odendaal has managed to secure 27 internships within the fruit industry, and more than half have gone on to complete graduate programmes and secure work within the industry. What is Odendaal’s recipe for success? She is…

Hortgro Frikkiejacobs Learning

Grow your people…grow your business

By Elise-Marie Steenkamp Why should an orchard supervisor need to know how pollination and fruitset work on apple and pear trees? Or the difference between “kruisbestuiwer” and “bestuiwer”? Or how much an apple costs in Europe?  Or the significance of…

Frikkie Jacobs

Belê in mense…pluk dan vrugte

Dit was so ampertjies of Frikkie Jacobs was vir landbou verlore. ‘n Loopbaan in die polisie het gewink, totdat die plaaseienaar by wie sy ouers op Leeufontein in die Warm-Bokkeveld gewerk het, voorgestel het dat Frikkie Elsenburg-Landboukollege oorweeg. Teks: Elise-Marie…

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