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Peartree Hortgro 18

Jong Leiers Program | Marno van der Westhuizen

Hortgro Science se navorsingsimplementeringsbestuurder het sy roeping in landbou gevind. Anna Mouton het hom nader leer ken. Marno van der Westhuizen het in die Strand grootgeword en aanvanklik beplan om ingenieurswese by Universiteit Stellenbosch te studeer. Hy vertel egter dat…

Hugh Portrait

From Helderberg to Hortgro

After 44 years in the deciduous fruit industry, Hugh Campbell retires as Hortgro Technical General Manager to begin a new career phase. He spoke to Anna Mouton. On a Sunday afternoon in 1976, a young Hugh Campbell lined up with…


Many cogs in Hortgro Science machine celebrated

Hortgro Science, the South African deciduous fruit industry research engine, recently held its annual Thank-You Breakfast in Stellenbosch. Prof. Wiehann Steyn, Hortgro Science General Manager, said that the event was a celebration and expression of gratitude to everyone who participated…

My Project 3 (1)


To present years of work in five minutes is a big challenge for anyone. Yet, that is precisely what Hortgro Science asked researchers to do at this year’s Research Showcase. This was only the second time that the Showcase was…

202304 Hortgro News Pro Hort Ecophysiology Platform

The Pro-Hort Ecophysiology Platform

A new Hortgro-funded initiative will extract more value from existing research investment. By Anna Mouton. South Africa has been called a world in one country partly thanks to our diverse natural environment. This might be great for tourists but poses…

Laura Allderman2

Laura Allderman retires

She steps down in December but her contributions to dormancy research will continue to help pome- and stone-fruit growers negotiate climate change for many years to come. By Anna Mouton. Western Cape winters are getting warmer and the application of…

Hort Students (2)


Hortologie as studieveld het die afgelope twintig jaar aansienklik aantrekliker geword vir studente, sê prof. Wiehann Steyn, algemene bestuurder by Hortgro Science. “In 2004, byvoorbeeld, was daar net ses studente wat Hortologie 434 as vak aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch…

4. Windbrekers By Boord Onder Nette

Van appels en krokodille

Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp Lae koue-behoefte appelkultivars, andersoortige windbrekers, innoverende meganisasie, hoë nektarienbome, en krokodille in besproeiingsdamme is maar van die interessante ervarings wat die Hortgro Science-span in Junie vanjaar op besoek aan die Limpopo gehad het. Op boordbesoek reg langs…

Hortgro Science Langkloof Mei 2021 2

Science in die Kloof

Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp In Mei vanjaar het die hele span van Hortgro Science (Hugh Campbell, Wiehann Steyn, Matthew Addison en Marno van der Westhuizen) afgesak Langkloof toe. Tradisioneel besoek die span die Langkloof gewoonlik in Desember elke jaar wanneer die…

Ken Pringle Monitoring Pests In The Orchards

Integrated Pest Management – Are we there yet?

By Elise-Marie Steenkamp As early as 2500 BC, Sumerian farmers used sulphur to control insects and mites on their crops, illustrating the long history of the use of chemicals in agriculture. Today, the drive to do away with agrichemicals has…

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