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Social Audit

Agents of change: Focus on social auditing of the industry

If you are a producer, a social (ethical) auditor is maybe not necessarily someone you might invite over for tea, yet these ‘agents of change’ form a crucial spoke in the economic value chain wheel. Elise-Marie Steenkamp investigates. As global requirements…

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery: “Still work to be done”

Human trafficking, bonded and forced labour, are not unknown in South Africa and often involve labour migrating from other SADEC (Southern African Development Community) countries. In the agricultural sector, however, conditions and good legislation make it very difficult to exploit…

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Steven Versfeld gets SIZA platinum status

By Elise-Marie Steenkamp Steven Versfeld, a pome producer from Achtertuin Farm, outside Ceres, became the first South African producer ever to receive platinum status without any non-compliances from the Sustainability Initiative of South Africa (SIZA). His third-party ethical audit was…


Stronger Together

PROMINENT INTERNATIONAL AND SOUTH AFRICAN BUSINESSES JOIN PROGRAMME TO ADDRESS FORCED LABOUR IN THE FRUIT AND WINE PRODUCING INDUSTRIES IN SOUTH AFRICA. Recent estimates suggest that around 24.9 million people are in situations of forced labour globally[i]. However, due to…


Retha Louw – Guardian Of Sustainability

Focus on women in agriculture: Words: Carmé Naudé The saying goes, behind every man, there is a strong woman, and within agriculture, there are multiple strong forces to be reckoned with. One such force is Retha Louw the CEO of…

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