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FWDT Opleiding Matjiesrivier

Landbouwerkers bemagtig deur lesse oor geld

Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp Die bestuur van geldsake, gee die meeste mense hoofbrekens. Lees mens die finansiële blaaie van koerante is dit duidelik dat daar verskeie geldelike slaggate is. Dit is vir enigeen maklik om op betaaldag effe oorboord te gaan…

Lien Visagie The New Chairperson Of The Pals Board3

The leading light of PALS

Lien Visagie is the newly elected chairperson of the board of Partners in Agri Land Solutions (PALS). Getting there was a long and a hard road, but the road ahead is the real challenge. Gerrit Rautenbach discovered how a light…

Gradient Hortfin Logo Groot


One of the key economic drivers and objectives of the South African fruit and wine industries is to transform the agri-landscape in a sustainable manner by focussing on primary agriculture as well as the entire value chain – upstream and…

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