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Cape Town Harbor (south Africa, Aerial View) Shot From A Helicopter

Logistics outlook for new season

By Jacques du Preez Although we believe we have reached a turning point, specifically in the Port of Cape Town, regarding the logistical crisis, we foresee another challenging season from a logistical point of view. Therefore, growers, exporters, and logistical…

Newsletter 1


Sixteen years after Thailand banned the import of South African deciduous fruit, due to an administrative error, negotiations are progressing in the right direction. At the time of the imposition of the ban on the exportation of South African fresh…


Blushing success with apricots in the Koo

By Kara van der Berg A relatively new apricot variety, Carmingo, has brought great success to farmers in the Koo Valley. Hortgro visited two of these farmers, Pierre Burger and Sam Sieberhagen, to find out more about the bicoloured apricots…

Plum On A White

Steenvrugseisoen eindig in bitter teleurstelling

Weerstoestande was uitstekend vir produksie en daar was blink vooruitsigte. Wat het verkeerd geloop? En wat is die pad vorentoe? Deur Anna Mouton. Bedryfskenners is dit eens dat logistieke probleme die steenvrugseisoen gekelder het. Die seisoen het afgeskop met voortreflike…

Whatsapp Image 2021 11 04 At 12.20.38 (1)

Dibesho Serage new DFDC Director for Limpopo

By Gerrit Rautenbach Dibesho Serage, Managing Director of Groundstone Group grew up in Lebowakgomo township of Limpopo Province where he did his primary and high school studies. His mother was a school teacher and Dad owned a small all-purpose shop.…

Hortgro Stone Fruit On Tree Web


9 November 2021: As the flowering, fruit set, and thinning process on stone fruit progress a clearer picture is starting to form for the 2021/22 South African stone fruit season. The plum estimate for fruit packed for the export market has…

Hortgro Plum Ruby Star

Hou probleemvrugte uit mark

Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp ‘n Pakhuis is nie ‘n hospitaal nie en elke rolspeler in die waardeketting moet alles in hul vermoë doen om probleemvrugte uit die mark te hou. Dit was die beroep van Charl Stander, Hortgro Stone verteenwoordiger en…

Ruby Star 02


The Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and the South African Deciduous Fruit Industry formed a joint venture to commercialise the ARC-bred plum cultivars discussed below. Over the past decade, Culdevco Pty Limited has established itself as a major player in the…

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