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4 Pink Lady

Brits are loving SA Pink Ladies

South Africa is rapidly establishing itself as the leading and preferred source of Pink Lady apples from the Southern Hemisphere. According to Kantar data, Pink Lady sales in the United Kingdom (UK) have risen by 13% over the past year,…

Apples In Crate

Getting an apple from A to B

Most people reach into the supermarket fridge and pull out a bag of apples without much thought. Where was it grown? How did it get from the tree into a bag? How did the bag end up on the shelf?…

Tru Cape Fruit Industry Jargon2

Appels en pere, ken jou kernvrugte!

In die vrugtebedryf, soos in alle ander bedrywe, kan jy soos ‘n bedryfskenner klink deur net ‘n paar van die regte terme te ken. Tru-Cape se bemarkingsdirekteur, Conrad Fick, beskryf ‘n paar van die mees algemene terme. Eerstens verwys ons na appels…

Pluk Appel Poster Instragram 13 01 13


Persverklaring: 4 Februarie 2020 SAGTEVRUGTE GAAN WOORDFEES TOE! As jy gedink het Eva het vir Adam met ‘n appel verlei, of dat Granny Smith jou oumagrootjie se kleinniggie is, wag daar ‘n groot verrassing op jou. Die Suid-Afrikaanse sagtevrugtebedryf is…

Boomplant Web


Company’s Garden reclaims a piece of its history The return of the first apple tree planted in the iconic Company’s Garden in the late 1650s is a remarkable story, made possible through a partnership between Tru-Cape, Hortgro and the Cape…

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