Persverklaring: 4 Februarie 2020
As jy gedink het Eva het vir Adam met ‘n appel verlei, of dat Granny Smith jou oumagrootjie se kleinniggie is, wag daar ‘n groot verrassing op jou. Die Suid-Afrikaanse sagtevrugtebedryf is vol geskiedenis, stories, staaltjies, wetenskap en propvol nuwe smake, en ons is vanjaar vir die heel eerste keer by die Toyota US Woordfees. Die Sagtevrugtefynproe word op 13 Maart by Die Khaya in Ryneveldstraat, Stellenbosch aangebied, vanaf 12:00 die middag.
En jy kan twee kaartjies wen deur Hortgro se plasing op Facebook, Instagram of Twitter te ‘like’ en te ‘share’.
Kom hang aan die lippe van sagtevrugtekenners, Buks Nel en Henk Griessel, van Tru-Cape, en Petru du Plessis, steenvrugboer en kenner. En, kom proe kultivars waarvan jy nog nooit gehoor het nie. Pak jou eie sak vrugte, en stap weg met ‘n resepteboek wat deur bekende chefs saamgestel is.
Griessel en Nel, skrywers van die boek Apples in the Early Days at the Cape, is besige manne met Griessel wat jaarliks pa-staan vir die kwaliteit van meer as ‘n miljard appels en pere, terwyl Nel onlangs sy tweede boek oor appels geskryf het.
Feesgangers wat die fynproe bywoon sal leer oor die Witte Wijnappel, die eerste appel wat in 1662 aan die Kaap gepluk is en onlangs weer in die Kompanjiestuin, in Kaapstad, herplant is. Die storie kronkel verder na Adam en Eva (wat definitief nie appels gehad het nie), na Kazakstan waar appelbome wild in die berge groei. Du Plessis gaan jou aan vreemdsoortige pruimesoorte laat proe wat jou tone gaan laat krul van plesier.
Sagtevrugtekenners gaan raadgee oor: hoe om jou vrugte optimaal te berg; ‘n wetenskaptruuk met appels word gewys; leer oor ‘n mondspoelmiddel waarmee jy jou vriende kan betower; en ‘n verklaring word gegee oor hoekom jy nie ‘n Granny Smith-appel gaan kry, wanneer jy ‘n Granny Smith saadjie plant nie!
Daarbenewens word daar sagtevrugte geproe, sider gedrink en gesmul aan sagtevrugte lekkernye.
Kaartjies vir die 90-minute feesproe is R130 elk van Computicket of R150 by die deur. Let wel, kaartjies is beperk. Vir meer inligting: https://woordfees.co.za
Press release: 4 February 2020
If you thought Eve enticed Adam with an apple, or that Granny Smith is your grandmother’s niece, you are in for a big surprise. The South African deciduous fruit industry is full of history, stories, anecdotes, science and packed with new flavours, and this year for the very first time we are off to the Toyota SU Woordfees. The Sagtevrugtefynproe will be presented at Die Khaya in Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch, on March 13, from noon.
Come listen to deciduous fruit experts, Buks Nel and Henk Griessel, from Tru-Cape, as well as Petru du Plessis, farmer and stone fruit cultivar expert. Taste fruits that you’ve never heard of before, pack your own goodie bag and walk away with a recipe book compiled by celebrity chefs.
Griessel and Nel will talk about their book Apples in the Early Days at the Cape. These two are busy bees, with Griessel responsible for the quality of more than a billion apples and pears annually, while Nel recently wrote his second book on apples.
Festival-goers who attend the tasting will learn about the Witte Wijnappel, the first apple picked at the Cape in 1662 and which was recently replanted in the Company Garden, in Cape Town. The story traverses to Adam and Eve (who definitely didn’t have apples), to Kazakhstan where apple trees grow wild in the mountains. Du Plessis, an innovative plum expert, will make you taste exceptional cultivars that will tickle your taste buds.
Deciduous fruit experts will advise you on: how to store your fruit optimally; a science trick with apples; learn about a mouthwash you can use to enchant your friends with, and why you will not get a Granny Smith apple when you plant a Granny Smith seed!
In addition, deciduous fruits are tasted, cider will flow, and deciduous fruit delicacies devoured. Tickets for the 90-minute festival tasting are R130 each from Computicket or R150 at the door. Please note, tickets are limited.
For more information: https://woordfees.co.za/en/