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Hortgro Researchshowcase

Hortgro Research Showcase

In an effort to inform interested growers, researchers, and other industry stakeholders of the scope, context, and content of Hortgro Science’s research offering, a Showcase was held in Stellenbosch last week. Despite buckets of rain and plummeting temperatures the three-day…

Villiersdorp Aftercare2

Care for our future leaders

Text: Carmé Naudé The FWDT (Fruit Workers’ Development Trust) aims at improving the quality of the lives of the workers on fruit farms. Vredelust Farm, one of the Trust’s beneficiaries is situated in Villiersdorp and was purchased in 2013. With…

Hortgro Richardh

Hortgro Chairman’s Award – Richard Hurndall

“We need you to start in January,” Gawie Roux said to his preferred candidate for the first SAAPPA Technical Manager post. The 29-year old gushed, “I can’t, I am getting married on 21 January.” And so young Richard Hurndall started at…

Hortgro Janlr

Jan le Roux – Bedryfsleier 2018

Jan le Roux van die Le Roux-Groep, het vanjaar die O.S.H. Reinecke-trofee as Bedryfsleier van die Jaar ontvang vir sy leierskaprol in die sagtevrugtebedryf wat oor ’n tydperk van 30 jaar strek. In dié tyd het hy op verskeie komitees…

Hortgro Elvispieters

Appelbome praat met hom

Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp Elvis Pieters van Rietfontein in die Koue-Bokkeveld het die Gevorderde Landbouwerker van die Jaar-merietetoekenning ontvang vir sy uitsonderlike werksvernuf, sterk persoonlikheid en goeie leierskap. Pieters, wat op Rietfontein gebore is, het in 2002 daar begin werk nadat…

Hortgro Spanya

A True Orchardist

Sivuyile Panya from Kromfontein in the Koue Bokkeveld received the merit award for General Agricultural Worker of the Year for his exceptional work ethic and orchard skills. The 31-year old Panya, originally from the Eastern Cape, started as a general…

Willem Booise 2

From general worker to farm manager

Text: Elise-Marie Steenkamp Almost 23 years ago Willem Booise fell in as a general agricultural worker on the farm Bergendal on the Paleisheuwel Road near Citrusdal. At the time, it was just another job. But soon, Booise realised that he…

Hortgro Gala Group 2018

Deciduous Fruit Gala Evening Awards 2018

DECIDUOUS FRUIT INDUSTRY CELEBRATES COMMITMENT AND PERSEVERANCE DESPITE DIFFICULT SEASON   List of award winners ·         General Agricultural Worker: Sivuyile Panya ·         Specialist Agricultural Worker: Willem Booise ·         Advanced Agricultural Worker: Elvis Pieters ·         Novice: Vergelegen Boerdery ·         Innovation award:…

Wiehann Styen Kwikstyg

Wiehann Steyn op Die Kwik Styg

Wiehann Steyn, Hortgro Science se Assistent-Algemene Bestuurder, gesels met Lizma van Zyl oor die impak van klimaatsverandering op die verbouing van sagtevrugte. Van Zyl is die aanbieder van RSG se reeks, Die Kwik Styg, waarin dié kwessie indringend bespreek word. Dié reeks is…



Text: Elise-Marie Steenkamp The era of big data is upon us. And it is not just a fad, but will colour how we grow and guide business in future, says Carol Swarts Manager of Agri-Hub – the fresh fruit industry’s…


SIZA implements environmental programme

SIZA proudly announced their Environmental Sustainability Programme. Read more in this press release:  siza-enviro-verification-press-release-aug-18 For further information contact: Henko Vlok (Environmental Specialist); Retha Louw (CEO); Tom McLaughlin (UK liaison).

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