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Louis Kriel

Fruit Export Frontrunner Passes Away

The South African fruit industry mourns the passing of Louis Kriel, one of the founders and international promoters of the South African fruit export industry. Text: Louise Brodie Louis Kriel (78), who passed away at his home in Stellenbosch on…

Jobs Fund Web

The magic of partnerships

Through their involvement in the National Treasury’s Jobs Fund Initiative, the Western Cape and Eastern Cape Departments of Agriculture together with HORTGRO, are showing what can be done when public and private enterprises work together. Text: Glenneis Kriel The Jobs…

Liz Fortuin

The first lady of Ou Stasie

Where Mitchell’s Pass begins, just outside the town of Wolseley, you’ll find the farm Ou Stasie on your right. Peaches, pears, nectarines, and plums. It is on this farm, 41 years ago that a remarkable woman was born. Fortune favours…

Webimage Rosyne

Droogdruiwe slaan nuwe rekord

Suid-Afrikaanse droogdruifproduksie groei teen ‘n bestendige tempo met produksievolumes vir  2018 wat met 6% sal groei teenoor die vorige jaar. Dit beteken dat die 70 000 ton merk vir rosyne die eerste keer oorskry is, terwyl daar wêreldwyd ‘n vraag na…

Anton Rabe Op Die Kwik Styg

Anton Rabe op RSG Die Kwik Styg

Hortgro Uitvoerende Direkteur, Anton Rabe, was onlangs die ateljeegas op RSG se Die Kwik Styg. Die programaanbieder is Lizma van Zyl. Anton het gepraat oor klimaatsverandering en hoe dit die sagtevrugtebedryf raak. Luister gerus. Meer oor die program: ‘n Nuwe…

Web Pic2

Trade Development and consumer education campaign 2017/18

Over the past ten years, Hortgro’s pome and stone fruit growers have strategically invested in key export markets through continuous long-term market development campaigns. These efforts aim to put South African deciduous fruit firmly in the saddle as a world…


Update: Eastern and Western Cape water restrictions

Strict water restrictions for Cape Town and surrounding areas will remain in place as there is not sufficient justification to reduce the water restrictions at this stage. This decision came after a high-level meeting by the Department of Water and…

Collage Web


‘n Bekende in landboukringe, Chris Krone, is tydens die 17de Kongres van die Internasionale Pruimedante-vereniging, in Villeneuve Sur Lot, Frankryk, as die nuwe president van die vereniging verkies.  Krone, van Tulbagh, sal in die posisie leiding neem tot en met…

Inspiring Inclusive Growth

HORTGRO takes smallholder farmers up the commercial ladder

Over the past two decades, Hortgro has been playing a pivotal role in the transformation of the stone and pome fruit industry. In 2007, the association along with the Western Cape Department of Agriculture initiated the tree (or “boompie”) project…

Apples And Adventure 2

Next Generation Series: About Apples And Adventure

By Gerrit Rautenbach It’s early morning in early autumn. The slow wind swirls some reddened leaves on the slate floor of the weather-beaten stoep of the main house on the farm Erfdeel. Didi Smith-de Kock and I are sharing some…


South African apple exports to UK increase

Shipments of South African apples to the UK market have risen by 20 percent during the 2018 season, says Hortgro, the organisation representing growers in South Africa. Cumulative volumes of the fruit to the week ending July 1st, 2018, showed…



It’s the moment we have all been waiting for. After many hours of listening to all our gifted entrants, the Agri’s Got Talent team, together with celebrity Frieda van den Heever, are proud to announce the 2018 Top Ten contestants…

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