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De Doorns Board Fruit Management Zone

How can town residents assist agriculture with fruit fly?

One of the greatest sources of high fruit fly populations is from year-round infestation in town gardens which serve as a source of infestation of adjacent farms. All fruit trees as well as other trees/shrubs which bear fleshy berries/fruitlets can…

Gerrit And Thinus Van Der Merwe In Orchards

Next Generation Series: The fountain of youth…

NEXT GENERATION SERIES Making a success of something in life is all about momentum. Progression. Growth. But to be able to do it well, you need to feed the stream. Gerrit Rautenbach looks at how the custodians of the farm…

Fruit Producers Open Hearts Sluices

Fruit producers open hearts and sluices

Deciduous fruit growers from Grabouw and Elgin will donate between 7.5 and 10 million cubic meters of water to the City of Cape Town. The growers opened their hearts and sluices to “give their share” and help the Cape Metro…

Cyril Ramaphosa

Hortgro welcomes new SA president

Press release: 16 February 2018 Hortgro Welcomes New SA President President Ramaphosa during a visit last year to the PALS project in Ceres. The South African deciduous fruit industry organisation, Hortgro, said in a statement today that it welcomes the…

O.S.H. Reinecke Leierskaptoekenning 2017: Prof Leopoldt Van Huyssteen

O.S.H. Reinecke Leierskaptoekenning 2017: Prof Leopoldt van Huyssteen

Met albei bene (en hart) op die grond Woorde deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp Prof. Leopoldt van Huyssteen, Uitvoerende Bedryfshoof van die Universiteit Stellenbosch, is vanjaar die Sagtevrugtebedryf se wenner van die O.S.H. Reinecke Leierskapstoekenning. Die toekenning gaan jaarliks aan iemand wat…

Kindersorgsentrum ’n Groot Aanwins Vir Tulbagh-plaasgemeenskap

Kindersorgsentrum ’n groot aanwins vir Tulbagh-plaasgemeenskap

In Tulbagh hoef landbouwerkers nie tydens werksure oor hul kroos se veiligheid te wonder nie. Dáárvoor sorg die D’Agen Kindersorgsentrum reeds 26 jaar. Die kindersorgsentrum is in 1991 deur die Tulbagh Plaaswerknemers-trust gestig, en word steeds dié trust bedryf. Produsente…

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