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Holding Apple

Adrian Kuiper’s second innings

After an incredibly memorable career as a national and international cricket idol, Adrian swapped the red ball for a red apple. And golden ones. Some pink ladies … Gerrit Rautenbach visited him in Elgin. This is his story. Ever since…

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Fruit South Africa Statement of Intent

Fruit Sout Africa strives through its facilitative role to contribute to a growing, profitable, sustainable and equitable fruit industry in South Africa within the context of the National Development Plan and related strategies and policies. Therefore, we the members of…

Cortina Ricard Myburgh Web

Award-winning Cortina Commitment

Richard Myburgh started out as a fruit hawker. His business was small but grew quickly. Soon he outgrew the packhouse that he was renting and it was time for him to buy his own farm. Today, despite some serious drought…

Water And Apples Mini

Pome Fruit Packhouse & Cold Storage Water Risks

Water risks for pome fruit packhouses  Blue North Sustainability was contracted by the Packhouse Action Group (PAG) to conduct a study on the water risks faced by pome fruit packhouses and cold storage operations. Find an infographic summary of the…


Meet Ilse Trautmann The Plant Philosopher

Focus on women in agriculture:   The Chief Director of Research & Technology Development at the Western Cape Department of Agriculture shares her story on how she landed her dream job. By Carmé Naudé Dr Ilse Trautmann was raised in the…

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Rejuvenating Langfontein

The Jobs Fund Project on track: The technical advisor took one look at the sad trees in front of him. “Remove the old wood from the trees,” he commanded. Ricardo du Preez did not question him. He realised that to…


Stronger Together

PROMINENT INTERNATIONAL AND SOUTH AFRICAN BUSINESSES JOIN PROGRAMME TO ADDRESS FORCED LABOUR IN THE FRUIT AND WINE PRODUCING INDUSTRIES IN SOUTH AFRICA. Recent estimates suggest that around 24.9 million people are in situations of forced labour globally[i]. However, due to…


Deciduous Fruit Gala Event 2018

The Deciduous Fruit Industry’s Gala Event will take place on 14 September 2018 at the Lord Charles in Somerset West. At this event, the industry awards people of excellence that made a difference in their various fields of work.  This…

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