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Stephen And Henk

Daan Strydom Research and Technical Award 2023: Henk Griessel

Hortgro’s first Daan Strydom Research and Technical prize is awarded to Henk Griessel in recognition and appreciation of a career dedicated to the deciduous fruit industry in the field of postharvest quality of pome fruit.

Henk lectured at the University of Stellenbosch before joining the industry in 2001 when he joined the newly formed Tru-Cape where he holds the position of quality assurance manager. Wiehann Steyn, General Manager at Hortgro Science, said that Henk is a true industry servant who tirelessly and selflessly over many years provided direction and key technical and strategic input to various industry workgroups and advisory committees that determine research needs and priorities and assisted with the evaluation of the outcomes and results of research projects.

“In this role, Henk’s strong foundation in fruit physiology and a lifetime of managing postharvest quality, has provided him with a clear perspective of the key issues that should be addressed. “

“Henk strongly supports good, in-depth research aimed at understanding the mechanics of postharvest disorders. He believes that only by understanding a disorder, can we develop solutions. Although a proponent of fundamental research, Henk, like a few others, also understands the practicalities of the postharvest value chain and where every person from the producer to the consumer fits into the process. While Henk’s experience and analytical brain allow him to cut to the core of an issue, he has much empathy for all the role-players.”

Hortgro Science acknowledges  Henk as a leader in the postharvest environment, a key cog in the research machine, a force for positive change, a keen analytical mind, a mentor and supporter of young, and not so young postharvest technicians and researchers, a knowledge resource, a dedicated team player, someone who will walk or even crawl the extra mile if walking is not possible, a dependable colleague and friend, and a devoted industry servant.

Steyn added two quotes that summed up Henk’s service to the industry:

“A life of significance is about serving those who need your gifts, your leadership, your purpose,” by Kevin Hall.

“We make a living by what we get,  but we make a life by what we give,” by Winston Churchill.

Caption: The Award was presented by Stephen Rabe, Hortgro Science Chairman (on the left) and Henk Griessel.

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