Hortgro Pome and Stone Budgets 2021-2022
During September 2021 the following information was shared with the respective Hortgro Pome and Hortgro Stone producer councils regarding the 2021-22 budgets:
Council members received the draft 2021-2022 budgets for discussion/approval at the two council meetings (Stone, 8 September and Pome, 9 September) respectively. Please note the context within which these budgets have been drafted and that this will be the 3rd year of the current 4-year levy cycle (2019-2023) which is based on the following 11 operational programmes as contained in the Hortgro strategic framework:
- Good Governance, Administration & Financial Management
- Scientific Research & Development and Technology Transfer
- Technical Market Access, Protocols & Product Standards
- Plant Material Acquisition, including Cultivar Development & Procurement
- Independent Evaluation (cultivars and rootstocks)
- Plant Improvement and Certification
- Trade & Market Development, including market intelligence
- Economic Development and Land reform
- Skills & Human resource development, including Socio-Economic development
- Industry Information & Statistics
- Communication & Industry Representation
Download budget notes here: PomeStone_Budget notes Sept 2021
Summary of Pome and Stone budgets: Hortgro Stone Pome Budget 21-22
Levies for period 1 Oct 2021-30 Sept 2022: Levies-2021_2022