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Louis En Anton 2

Hortgro se Rentmeester (en Braaimeester!) Groet

Dit is moeilik om die Hortgro Paarl-kantoor voor te stel sonder Louis van Zyl. Het jou paaie met die sagtevrugtebedryf gekruis, sou jy hom leer ken, want vir etlike dekades was Louis nie net Hortgro se Braaimeester nie, maar ook…


Free State Strategic Engagement

A group of high-ranking government officials from the Free State government and a team from the Remmoho Group, visited Hortgro early in August to explore possible collaboration and get a better understanding of the deciduous fruit industry in South Africa.…

202304 Hortgro News Pro Hort Ecophysiology Platform

The Pro-Hort Ecophysiology Platform

A new Hortgro-funded initiative will extract more value from existing research investment. By Anna Mouton. South Africa has been called a world in one country partly thanks to our diverse natural environment. This might be great for tourists but poses…


Vermeerder Vinnig en Veilig

Vrugtebedryf bring eerste weefselkultuurlaboratorium op die been Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp Andrè Smit en Charmaine Stander het onlangs tydens ‘n produsente-inligtingsdag opwindende nuwe tegnologie, asook die Tissue Culture Facility, bekend gestel. Hoekom weefselkultuur? Weefselkultuur is ‘n wêreldwye tegnologiese tendens in die…

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