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Newsletter 2

The process behind Provar’s fruit tastings

Provar’s well-known fruit tastings showcase the latest cultivars and selections that belong to IP representatives and fruit breeders. The fruit tasting provides an opportunity for industry and consumers to taste, discuss and see the samples, simultaneously Provar gains valuable insight…

202304 Hortgro News Pro Hort Ecophysiology Platform

The Pro-Hort Ecophysiology Platform

A new Hortgro-funded initiative will extract more value from existing research investment. By Anna Mouton. South Africa has been called a world in one country partly thanks to our diverse natural environment. This might be great for tourists but poses…

Slice Japanese Apple Isolated On White Background

Provar 2021 Pome Fruit Tasting Results

In industry, formal independent fruit cultivar evaluation by Provar is supported by various in-season ‘Fruit Tastings’ to showcase the latest cultivars and selections belonging to IP representatives and fruit breeders. Provar, as the host for these industry tastings, invites all…

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License to do research

By Elise-Marie Steenkamp The Pro-Hort programme and the future of the deciduous fruit industry In March this year, Hortgro and Provar, launched “Fruit tasting in the orchard” exhibitions in Ceres and Grabouw to give producers a chance to taste and…

Hortgro Young And Old Need To Work Together


By Elise-Marie Steenkamp More and more young people, many of whom have no farming experience, are drawn to the agriculture sector.  With youth month around the corner, we spoke to four youngsters that have found an accidental home in agriculture.…

Hortgro Devaar Gewin Nuwe Kultivars

Die gevaar en gewin van nuwe kultivars

Bedryfskenners gee raad Deur Anna Mouton “Ek het in die twintig jaar wat ek boer al amper 150 hektaar vrugte geplant,” vertel Hendrik Pohl, ZZ2 se produksiebestuurder op Bokveldskloof, Ceres. “My pa het bykans niks geplant nie, want hy’t geboer…


The value of independent evaluation in 2020

Provar was established in 2013 as a cultivar development and support company, with a focus on independent, objective, and scientific evaluation and data management; in order to ensure complete independence and facilitating buy-in of potential clients. In 2015 Hortgro Pome,…

Prohort Wernertruterboord

Hoe kies mens ‘n kampioen?

Pro-Hort persele stel nuwe kultivars op proef Deur Anna Mouton Die Suid-Afrikaanse vrugtebedryf stagneer omdat daar nie genoeg nuwe kultivars geplant word nie. Dit is die mening van Neville van Buuren, bestuurder van appel- en peerproduksie by Oak Valley Estate,…

Baba Boord


After a prolonged and intensive process of negotiations between Hortgro and the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), the Hortgro Pome and Stone Fruit Boards have made a decision that the industry should dis-engage itself from the ARC breeding programme with immediate…

Iwan In Lab 3a

Verrassings in landbou selde ‘n goeie ding

Beperk risiko’s deur kultivar-evaluasie Deur Anna Mouton Pruimprodusente is die afgelope seisoen onkant gevang deur die wisselvallige klimaat. Twee hittegolwe in die lente tesame met kwaai wind gedurende vroeë vrugontwikkeling het tot teleurstellende volumes uitvoerpruime bygedra. Ongeveer vyftien persent minder…

Carl Horstmann 4

Die reis van ‘n nuwe kultivar

Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp “’n Reis van ’n duisend myl begin met ‘n enkele tree,” het die Chinese wysgeer Confucius gesê. Welliswaar is dit ook die geval met die vestiging van ‘n nuwe kultivar, soos die meeste planttelers jou sal vertel.…

Boland Landbouskool

Boland Landbouskool huisves Pro-Hort evaluasieblokke

Die Boland Landbouskool buite die Paarl gaan voortaan proefblokke huisves as deel van die Pro-Hort kultivar-evalueringsprogram. Dit is die eerste keer dat ‘n skool gaan deel wees van die projek. Pro-Hort, ‘n samewerkingsprogram tussen Hortgro en Provar is verlede jaar…

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