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Dean Plaasberge

Bielie-pruime, gebed en harde werk

Teks deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp en foto’s Colin Stephenson 2024 is die jaar wat Dean Barnard altyd sal onthou. Nie net is hy die Wes-Kaap se Jongboer van die Jaar nie, maar hy pluk ook die wêreld se grootste pruim. ’n…

Phyla Phi1

Post-harvest Innovation Programme and Hortgro’s PHYLA

By Desireé Thompson On 17 September 2024, the Post-Harvest Innovation (PHI) Programme held its Steering Committee meeting at the Hortgro Science offices on the Welgevallen Experimental farm in Stellenbosch. The meeting was followed by project presentations by five PHI researchers…

Cape Town Harbor (south Africa, Aerial View) Shot From A Helicopter

Logistics outlook for new season

By Jacques du Preez Although we believe we have reached a turning point, specifically in the Port of Cape Town, regarding the logistical crisis, we foresee another challenging season from a logistical point of view. Therefore, growers, exporters, and logistical…

Ecology Icons Set. Global Warming, Climate Change, Plastic Pollution And Other Ecology Problems. Save The Planet Symbols. Eco Environment Signs Collection. Flat Line Cartoon Vector Illustration.

How to become a more sustainable fruit grower

Hortgro Resource and Sustainability Manager, Nitasha Baijnath-Pillay, shares her top 7 tips on how to become a more sustainable fruit grower: Have a long-term perspective: Long-term planning, continuous innovation and sufficient investment in research and development, adopting new technologies and…

Auditing SIZA


Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp As jy Suid-Afrikaanse vrugte wil uitvoer, moet jy aan sekere vereistes voldoen. Of jy nou ’n mega-produsent, kleiner produsent of opkomende produsent is, die wetgewing en standaarde bly dieselfde. Een van die hekkies in produsente se pad…

IMG 1247 2

Challenges ahead for “celebrity” Cape honeybee

By Elise-Marie Steenkamp The Cape honeybee might have global celebrity status in the insect world, but there are many challenges to secure the future of this “famous bee variety” and sustain its contribution as an apex pollinator in the Western…


Simply the Best – Meet Vivian Jakobs

By Gerrit Rautenbach After obtaining his matric in 1994, Vivian Jakobs’s journey through the world of deciduous fruit began with him checking out the playing field. In 2000 he joined Swaarmoed Boerdery in the Warm Bokkeveld. That’s where he crossed…


Cape Town port: Improvements, but long road ahead…

New management, more transparency, better cooperation, and ongoing improvements have helped to turn around the backlog at the Cape Town port (CTP) for fruit exports. It is, however, still a long road ahead to get port productivity on par with the…

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