The guide to good housing
As a rule, most farmers are keen to provide adequately for their workers, especially when it comes to housing. Because a happy homer is a hard worker. Yet, to get to the honeypot, it’s best to follow the guidelines. By…
As a rule, most farmers are keen to provide adequately for their workers, especially when it comes to housing. Because a happy homer is a hard worker. Yet, to get to the honeypot, it’s best to follow the guidelines. By…
For South African agriculture to transform and be sustainable, uncomfortable conversations are needed, and issues robustly discussed without pointing fingers. Hortgro Executive Director, Anton Rabe, and Hortgro Group Operations Manager, Mariette Kotze, addressed the meeting at the PALS annual general…
Climate change is real and will stay with us for decades to come no matter what mitigation strategies we undertake today. However, the wider promotion and uptake of climate-smart and resilient farming technologies that will improve productivity, profitability, enhance climate…
Due to adverse weather events like hail and floods earlier in the year, Hortgro has revised its export forecasts for the 2023 season. The estimated export volume for apples is 40.883 million cartons (12.5 kilograms per carton), showing a 10%…
A group of high-ranking government officials from the Free State government and a team from the Remmoho Group, visited Hortgro early in August to explore possible collaboration and get a better understanding of the deciduous fruit industry in South Africa.…
Deur Engela Duvenage Kleintyd het ‘n boek in Benoni se biblioteek die eerste keer dr. Steffan Hansen se belangstelling in snuitkewers (ook bekend as kalanders) geprikkel. Oor die jare het sy belangstelling in insekte sodanig gegroei dat dié 25-jarige onlangs…
By Elise-Marie Steenkamp The fifth group of production managers enrolled in the Mazars-Hortgro learning initiative recently received their certificates. This unique learning and development programme was launched in 2019 when Hortgro engaged the services of Mazars to provide talent management…
Alexander Gibson van Doornkraal Agri is een van die eerste groep jong mense wat Hortgro se bedryfleierskapprogram voltooi het. Deur Anna Mouton. Hortgro het die program in 2022 geloods om jong mense in die sagtevrugtebedryf as toekomstige bedryfsleiers te help…
By Elise-Marie Steenkamp The potential challenges that South African farmers may face, are not absolute outcomes. The EU-South Africa trade relationship and cooperation on sustainable agriculture can help mitigate some of these risks and foster a more mutually beneficial approach.…
The First International Symposium on Plant Propagation, Nursery Organisation and Management for the production of Certified Fruit Trees was held in Locorotondo (Bari) Italy. This ISHS (International Society for Horticultural Science) was attended by Hugh Campbell in his capacity as…
Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp “Produsente het dikwels nie beheer oor wat buite hul plase gebeur nie. Daarom moet hulle ’n positiewe ingesteldheid oor die toekoms hê, want as daardie boompie in die grond gesit word weet ons dit is nog vyf…
By Elise-Marie Steenkamp In May, CropLife South Africa and CropLife Africa and the Middle East hosted several workshops where they called on South African agriculture to work together with their counterparts in other African countries to create an “African voice”…