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My Project 2

Kernvrugbedryf beleef stormagtige seisoen

Wydverspreide hael het beduidende verliese veroorsaak maar goeie reëns en koue bring gunstige vooruitsigte vir die komende seisoen. Deur Anna Mouton. Op 3 November 2022 is die Witzenbergvallei deur strawwe hael getref wat ernstige skade aan appel- en peerboorde berokken…

My Project 3 (1)


To present years of work in five minutes is a big challenge for anyone. Yet, that is precisely what Hortgro Science asked researchers to do at this year’s Research Showcase. This was only the second time that the Showcase was…

A Bee Enjoying The Nectar On A Flower Of A Plum Tree.

Pollination pricing 2023

The Western Cape Bee Industry Association, the WCBA, is not issuing a recommended tariff this year for members hiring out their beehives for the pollination of agricultural crops. The WCBA has, instead, advised its members to negotiate individually with farmers.…

Nic And Ilse2

Oom Koos Lötter se boek postuum bekend gestel

Die legendariese hortoloog  Koos Lötter se boek: Die beginsels van wondgenesing en oorwerk van vrugtebome is Dinsdagaand tydens die Hortgro Toekennings 2023 bekend gestel. “Oom Koos” soos hy algemeen bekend was, is op 29 Oktober 2019 op die ouderdom van…

Nic And Leon

Hortgro Chairman’s Award 2023: Dr Leon von Mollendorff

Dr Leon von Mollendorff, born and raised in Oudtshoorn, studied B.Sc. Biochemistry at the University of Stellenbosch. In 1991 he completed his doctorate. His research: Postharvest factors involved in the development of woolliness in nectarines is considered ground-breaking and for…

Joy And Anton 2

1662 Hortgro Industry Award: Joy van Biljon

The 1662 award commemorates the first apples that were harvested in the Company Garden at the Cape in that year – 17 April to be exact.  Joy van Biljon, one of the founding members of the Koue Bokkeveld Training Centre,…

Grant Smuts

OSH Reinecke Frontrunner Award 2022: Grant Smuts

Grant Smuts, a stone fruit producer and owner of Smuts Bros. Robertson, has served on the deciduous fruit industry’s Research Council since 1998, later as chairman of the Hortgro Science Advisory Board. Today, he continues to provide valuable input on…

Kobus En Nic

OSH Reinecke Frontrunner Award 2023: Kobus Eigelaar

Achtervlei Farm on Piket-Bo-Berg is home to Kobus Eigelaar – a pome and stone fruit producer of stature and selfless giver of his time and guidance to his community and to the industry. Kobus has served on various industry boards…

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