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Farmer Controls Drone Sprayer With A Digital Tablet

Landbou in die Wes-Kaap na Covid-19

Watter langtermyn aanpassings is nodig om die toekoms van landbou te verseker? Die Wes-Kaapse Departement van Landbou se 2020 toekomsbeplanningstudie mik om hierdie vraag te beantwoord. Deur Anna Mouton. Dr Dirk Troskie is verantwoordelik vir beplanning en strategie vir die…

Apples And Pears Whole And Halved Shot From Above On White Wooden Boards


Despite Covid-19 and a few tough drought years, the deciduous fruit industry has been blessed with exceptional harvests in every fruit category managed by Hortgro, after “near-perfect growing conditions”. Hortgro expects a record apple and pear harvest this season, despite…

Maychen Manuel

Third Wave Likely – Vaccine Central Weapon

“We are at a historical moment in time to turn the tide against the coronavirus pandemic. The central weapon to achieve this is through mass vaccination that will reduce mortality, protect the health care system from being overwhelmed, achieve adequate…

Millennials 2

Understanding a brave new consumer world

By Elise-Marie Steenkamp The impact of COVID-19 on the world, economy, and consumers can be equated to a meteor hitting earth. It has changed everything, but will those changes have a lasting effect? Local consumer reports indicate that people avoid…

Orchard Of The Future 2018 10

Cliffhanger finish for pome fruit season

The technical production story of the recent pome fruit season concluded with a fairly happy ending given plot twists such as extreme weather events, “reliable” cultivars underperforming, and a global pandemic that almost single-handedly disrupted the fruit value chain. Despite…

Covid Booklet Covid

Covid times are stressful times

Many outsiders scoff and say that agricultural sector has been “lucky” in that it did not have to close down as a whole during any of the COVID-19 lockdown phases. Those in the know, however, realise just how stressful the…

United Nations Covid 19 Response G4z85zc Zqi Unsplash

‘We’ve all lost something’

“The world has surely become a funny place if one can no longer simply reach out for a handshake, without thinking twice about it or having to sanitize afterward. It’s such a small, basic gesture that is part and parcel…

Matthew Waring Mjaoiige14e Unsplash

How to keep your head above water

People simply do not talk about their emotions enough. They focus a lot on practical matters, and the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic is having on the economy at large, yet do not divulge how it is affecting their own…


Shame in the time of Covid

HOW TO EDUCATE AND INFORM PEOPLE ABOUT COVID-19, RATHER THAN INFLAME AND STIGMATISE By Engela Duvenage   “We don’t want to work with him again, ever. He had the virus.” “I’m not going near her, because her husband’s sister has…

Ships Agility C19


“Industry high standards, agility, and resilience made quick adaptions possible.” During Week 25 of the current pome fruit season, there was a marked increase in apple exports. This in contrast to previous weeks where the impact of Covid-19 played havoc…

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