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Elke And Richard

A short history of CA in South Africa

By Engela Duvenage A veritable trip down memory lane – that’s what Dr Elke Crouch recently went on while preparing for her new responsibilities as Post-Harvest Physiology Research Chair in Deciduous Fruit at Stellenbosch University. She set off for the…

Ca Researchers Hortgro Ca Day 5 11 2019


The state-of-the-art controlled atmosphere (CA) facility at Stellenbosch University’s Horticultural Sciences’ celebrated its first birthday this year. The CA facility was made possible through an industry donation by Hortgro Pome who made the investment of R2.5m last year and aims…

Water Droplet On Glossy Surface Of Red Apple On Black Background

INDUSTRY TAKES POWER BACK: New dispensation on pome fruit

Load shedding and dispensation for loadout temperatures for apples and winter pears have been a major concern for the pome fruit industry. Now, in a pro-active step, the Packhouse Action Group (PAG) load shedding workgroup met recently to discuss the impact…

Hortgro Richard Web

Richard Hurndall’s deep footprints

Richard Hurndall recently received the Hortgro Chairman’s Award for 35 years of service to the industry. He is also a squash master and believes in work-life balance. Elise-Marie Steenkamp spoke to him shortly before his retirement. “We need you to…

Ca Us

State-of-the-art CA facility launched at US

Hortgro Pome recently invested R2.5m in a new controlled atmosphere research facility at Stellenbosch University. The launch was held last week during the annual Hortgro Pome CA Meeting. The facility will help solve post-harvest problems within the deciduous fruit industry.…

Hortgro Richardh

Hortgro Chairman’s Award – Richard Hurndall

“We need you to start in January,” Gawie Roux said to his preferred candidate for the first SAAPPA Technical Manager post. The 29-year old gushed, “I can’t, I am getting married on 21 January.” And so young Richard Hurndall started at…

Hortgro Gala Group 2018

Deciduous Fruit Gala Evening Awards 2018

DECIDUOUS FRUIT INDUSTRY CELEBRATES COMMITMENT AND PERSEVERANCE DESPITE DIFFICULT SEASON   List of award winners ·         General Agricultural Worker: Sivuyile Panya ·         Specialist Agricultural Worker: Willem Booise ·         Advanced Agricultural Worker: Elvis Pieters ·         Novice: Vergelegen Boerdery ·         Innovation award:…

Project Rebirth Update

Project Rebirth Update

Feedback from Project Rebirth Meeting   By Richard Hurndall Revitalisation of Buffalo City (East London) Fresh Produce Market The Buffalo Market is being used as a case study to highlight one of the successes of the Project Rebirth process.  The…

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