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Cath Boome In The Nursery

Fine dining in apple shed

NEW SERIES: AGRITOURISM AND BUSINESS INNOVATION IN THE DECIDUOUS FRUIT INDUSTRY Farming is ceaselessly evolving. At first, it was all about food for survival for the farmer and his family. Today, farming is big business. Scientifically and economically speaking. Yet,…

The Shed Is On A Working Farm


A 2019 survey found just 24% of South African farmers are hosting some form of agritourism on their farms. That means there’s a massive opportunity for expansion in this area. Agritourism could help farmers use their farm resources to their…


Hortgro entomological team visits Langkloof

Members of Hortgro Science’s entomological team visited the Langkloof area in April to follow up on damage to pears possibly caused by sucking insects. Matthew Addison, Crop Protection Programme Manager, and Dr Minette Karsten, a researcher in applied entomology, met…

Xolani Storie Msc Dian

Hortgro’s Dr Xolani Siboza graduates his first MSc student

By Kara van der Berg Hortgro’s Dr Xolani Siboza’s first MScAgric student, Dian Craven, graduated from Stellenbosch University on 4 April. Dr Siboza is a Hortgro-seconded researcher in the Department of Horticultural Science at Stellenbosch University where Craven conducted his study.…



In die verlede, het Hortgro opleiding en ontwikkeling gefasiliteer deur verskeie programme wat hoofsaaklik beursskemas, navorsingsprogramme en mentorskap-en opleidingsprogramme ingesluit het. Beurse, aan voorgraadse- en nagraadse studente, asook opleiding en mentorskap is maar ‘n aspek van die verskeie transformasie inisiatiewe wat…

Doubtful Man In Front Of Many Different Doors Choosing One. Diff

The future starts today

Tanja Hichert is a professional futurist who has helped an impressive list of clients — from the City of Cape Town to the World Bank — to identify ways in which to reach their preferred futures. By Anna Mouton. Hichert…

Leadership, Analysis, Business Choice Concept Sketch. Hand Drawn Isolated Vector

The Hortgro Vision of the Future

No one can predict the future. But can we identify actions that we can take today to shape a better tomorrow? By Anna Mouton. Hortgro recently contracted professional futurist Tanja Hichert to facilitate a foresight study for the pome- and…

Farmer Controls Drone Sprayer With A Digital Tablet

Landbou in die Wes-Kaap na Covid-19

Watter langtermyn aanpassings is nodig om die toekoms van landbou te verseker? Die Wes-Kaapse Departement van Landbou se 2020 toekomsbeplanningstudie mik om hierdie vraag te beantwoord. Deur Anna Mouton. Dr Dirk Troskie is verantwoordelik vir beplanning en strategie vir die…

2022 21(3) Safj Hortgro Technical 04 Vandag Is Nie Gister Nie 03

Vandag is nie gister nie

Vier bekendes in die bedryf gesels oor verandering – wat leer die afgelope dertig jaar ons oor die toekoms? Deur Anna Mouton. “Ek kan onthou in my eerste jaar by Fruitways – 1997 – was ek by ’n oes-af funksie…

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