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Laura Allderman2

Laura Allderman retires

She steps down in December but her contributions to dormancy research will continue to help pome- and stone-fruit growers negotiate climate change for many years to come. By Anna Mouton. Western Cape winters are getting warmer and the application of…

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De Keur: Women flourishing in agriculture

Women still make up a smaller proportion than men in the agriculture industry in South Africa, especially in managerial positions. According to StatsSA, although women account for 43.4% of the total employment in agriculture only 33.1% of those who work…

Tru Cape Cherries

Kersieproduksie in Suid-Afrika

Die area onder kersieboorde het vanaf 2016 na 2021 meer as verdubbel. Wat is die vooruitsigte vir hierdie gewas? Deur Anna Mouton. Volgens die Hortgro boomsensus was daar 549 hektaar kersieboorde in Suid-Afrika in 2021 waarvan byna twee-derdes jonger as…

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Mentorship is about “paying it forward”

By Kyra-Kay Rensburg Lona Odendaal has managed to secure 27 internships within the fruit industry, and more than half have gone on to complete graduate programmes and secure work within the industry. What is Odendaal’s recipe for success? She is…



Hortfin the blended-finance scheme created to facilitate and enable transformation in the fruit, table grape and wine industries’ value chain, has announced a new partnership with First National Bank (FNB) at an event at Klein Joostenberg, Muldersvlei, yesterday. Hortfin, comprehensive…


Tweede groep produksiebestuurders kwalifiseer in 2022

Nog ’n groep produksiebestuurders het hulle sertifikate ontvang na hulle leierskapsontwikkelingskursus wat deur Hortgro aangebied en deur Mazars gefasiliteer is. Dit is die tweede groep wat vanjaar die kursus voltooi het. Altesaam 16 produksiebestuurders van verskeie plase het aan die…

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