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Hail is not a storm in a teacup

By Gerrit Rautenbach In January of this year, one of the biggest nightmares for any fruit farmer became a horrible reality in the Langkloof. Hail. Some farmers were fortunate, some less so and some got wrecked by the falling ice.…

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Pollination and the deciduous fruit industry

By Elise-Marie Steenkamp The deciduous fruit industry is almost totally dependent on a healthy honeybee population and a viable beekeeping industry. It is therefore important that beekeepers and the industry regularly engage and share future challenges and growth projections. Mariette…

Hortgro submission APAC Bill

Hortgro has submitted a summary of main concerns to the portfolio committee of the department of agriculture, land reform, and rural development regarding the Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Bill (B33 – 2020). The Agricultural Produce Agents Act 12 of 1992…

Apples And Pears Whole And Halved Shot From Above On White Wooden Boards


Despite Covid-19 and a few tough drought years, the deciduous fruit industry has been blessed with exceptional harvests in every fruit category managed by Hortgro, after “near-perfect growing conditions”. Hortgro expects a record apple and pear harvest this season, despite…

Maychen Manuel

Third Wave Likely – Vaccine Central Weapon

“We are at a historical moment in time to turn the tide against the coronavirus pandemic. The central weapon to achieve this is through mass vaccination that will reduce mortality, protect the health care system from being overwhelmed, achieve adequate…

A Fused Electric Light Globe, A Hourglass And The Name Eskom In Black Text On A White Background Image With Copy Space In Landscape Format

Load shedding blues

Load shedding in January came at an extremely inconvenient time for deciduous fruit producers, with harvesting, packing and cold store operations currently reaching a seasonal peak. Hortgro’s executive director, Anton Rabe, says: “Farms and packhouses had to make adjustments such…

41915759 Definition Of The Word Minimum Wage In A Dictionary


The deciduous fruit industry is one of the largest export sectors within the agricultural sector. It employs on average 63,145 permanent equivalent farm workers per annum with an estimated 252 579 dependents. The National Minimum Wage Commission recommended to the…

Hortgro Plum Ruby Star

Hou probleemvrugte uit mark

Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp ‘n Pakhuis is nie ‘n hospitaal nie en elke rolspeler in die waardeketting moet alles in hul vermoë doen om probleemvrugte uit die mark te hou. Dit was die beroep van Charl Stander, Hortgro Stone verteenwoordiger en…

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Apples to the rescue

A group of hikers, with the help of Hortgro, Kromco and the Paul Clüver clan from De Rust Farm in Elgin created a hiking event in the Groenland Mountains. It was labelled Hiking for Hunger. The idea was to walk…

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