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Free State Strategic Engagement

A group of high-ranking government officials from the Free State government and a team from the Remmoho Group, visited Hortgro early in August to explore possible collaboration and get a better understanding of the deciduous fruit industry in South Africa.…


Welcome to the new beginning

As agriculturalists, we all surely have one thing in common, a love for the land and the crops we grow.  Therefore, the name of the industry’s new transformation publication is so apt –New Roots symbolising a connection between the various…


Appels en pere moontlik duurder in 2023

Deur Elise-Marie Steenkamp Die onlangse haelstorm in die Langkloof het ongeveer 1500 ha appel-en peerboorde geraak en infrastruktuur op verskeie plase vernietig.  Die totale verlies aan uitvoervolumes is in die orde van 1,2 miljoen kartonne.  Dit verteenwoordig tussen 20% tot…

A Fused Electric Light Globe, A Hourglass And The Name Eskom In Black Text On A White Background Image With Copy Space In Landscape Format


All South Africans are affected and impacted by loadshedding in one way or another, and the current crisis has quite a history, said Mariette Kotzé, Hortgro’s Operational Manager during the welcoming of producers and other stakeholders at an industry webinar…

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Hortgro refocusing economic development

As communicated late last year, Hortgro and the DFDC’s paths have separated given differences specifically relating to the positioning of the DFDC as a parallel operating structure to Hortgro, operational duplication of functions, and increased confusion about identity amongst interest…



Hortfin the blended-finance scheme created to facilitate and enable transformation in the fruit, table grape and wine industries’ value chain, has announced a new partnership with First National Bank (FNB) at an event at Klein Joostenberg, Muldersvlei, yesterday. Hortfin, comprehensive…

3. Andresmit Mariettekotze Alanwinde Nicdicey

Kaap Nampo: Sagtevrugtebedryf bespreek struikelblokke

‘n Hortgro-span het onlangs Kaap Nampo besoek, waar infrastruktuur, logistiek, insetkostes en die stompkopkewer as uitdagings vir die sagtevrugtebedryf, bespreek is. Vanjaar was die eerste keer sedert Covid die wêreld in 2020 ontwrig het, dat Kaap Nampo aangebied is en…

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Pruim-en-nektarien-uitdagings by Hortgro-indaba bespreek

Deur Kara van der Berg Die 2021/2022 pruim seisoen was die slegste wat die Suid-Afrikaanse steenvrugmark in jare beleef het. Om hierdie aan te spreek en die pad vorentoe uit te lê, het Hortgro in Augustus vanjaar ’n pruim-en-nektarien-indaba by…


How well is transformation doing in the Langkloof?

The Jobs Fund Initiatives is the Deciduous Fruit Development Chamber’s Commercialisation Programme. It started in 2016 and is aimed at graduating a group of smallholder farmers to commercial status. Hortgro and the DFDC-SA recently went on a monitoring and evaluation…

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Pollination and the deciduous fruit industry

By Elise-Marie Steenkamp The deciduous fruit industry is almost totally dependent on a healthy honeybee population and a viable beekeeping industry. It is therefore important that beekeepers and the industry regularly engage and share future challenges and growth projections. Mariette…

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